Predatory Lending
The Sequoia Law Firm is active in the student loan space and is dedicated to protecting consumers from a risky form of private financing known as income share agreements, or ISAs, that tie future loan payments to a percentage of the borrowers’ future wages. Proponents of ISAs have tried to evade regulatory oversight by claiming that ISAs are not loans or credit and are therefore immune from a litany of regulations, but that is not true. Time and time again, predatory for-profit schools and employment placement organizations deceptively market ISAs and fail to give the required disclosures. ISA servicers are often the linchpin for the predatory schemes of questionable for-profit schools and make money by facilitating, servicing, and threatening to enforce ISAs that, in some cases, are not enforceable to begin with. We seek to hold these companies accountable and ensure that borrowers keep their hard-earned wages.
The Sequoia Law Firm’s predatory lending cases are typically litigated on a contingent fee basis, so plaintiffs do not pay attorneys’ fees or costs unless there is a recovery. For more information or to schedule a confidential consultation about a potential case, please fill out a contact form or call contact Melody Sequoia directly by phone or by email.
At The Sequoia Law Firm, we fight to protect the rights of borrowers harmed by deceptive and unfair lending practices.
Predatory lending encompasses a variety of unfair practices. From predatory lending in connection with home mortgage loans, to payday loans, to student loans, many banks, financial institutions, and servicers have engaged and continue to engage in practices that deceive borrowers so they can make huge profits.