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About the Firm
The Sequoia Law Firm is a cause-oriented consumer litigation practice dedicated to addressing the unmet legal needs of individuals who face economic injustices at the hands of unscrupulous actors. The Firm specializes in unfair and abusive debt collection practices, predatory lending, false advertising, and other unfair and unlawful business acts and practices. The Firm also represents individuals who face debt collection lawsuits and need guidance and representation responding to those claims. We specifically take cases that will matter greatly in the day-to-day life of the individual client and that will serve as a foundation for systemic change.
Areas of Practice
False Advertising & Unfair or Deceptive Business Practices
Predatory Lending
Abusive & Unfair Debt Collection
Collection Lawsuit Defense
Auto Loan Deficiencies
Wage Garnishment & Bank Levies After Judgment
News & Events
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